Sunday, April 17, 2011

32 Things You Can Do When You Are Bored

Here are some ideas you can do when you are bored:

1)-Call a friend and see if they can hang out

2)-Practice a new sport.

3)-Go on the computer

4)-Take some classes that interests you. Examples: Dancing, karate, photography, band and etc.

5)-Play free games online

6)-Write. You can write stories, cartoons, jokes, and your own autobiography.

7)-Read an interesting book.


9)-Listen to music, sing find the lyrics of the song and sing. Music is the ultimate mood changer!
10)-Watch TV or a good video that is in your home

11)-If you like to work with wood start a new project. Examples: make a new desk, bird/dog houses, or furniture

12)-Clean the house.

13)-Paint something or begin drawing pictures.

14)-Learn a foreign language.

15)-Check the News Headlines: I think it’s important to have an idea of what is happening in our community and the world.

16)-Go to the park or the nature center.

17)-Create something unique maybe a handcrafted item.

18)-Make a new garden

19)-Stretch yourself by trying something new: life is about trying new things, stretching ourselves, and having adventures

20)-The opportunity to volunteer for a cause that you consider important, such as endangered animals, disadvantaged children or wilderness preservation.

21)-Enjoy taking good pictures with your camera and maybe learn photo software to make your pictures more unique.

22)-Take time with your family and friends

23)-Visit the library.

24)-Go to the mall.

25)-Join a sport like basketball, baseball, soccer, and etc.

26)-Have a yard sale. It's a great way to get rid of your things you don’t need.

27)-Go to the theater, watch a good movie or see a play.

28)- Apply for a job

29)-Go ride your bike

30)- Learn to play guitar, piano, and other instruments.

31)-Get out of the house maybe just for walk.

32)- Write a blog

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting list of things to do. I totally would do some of the things on here. I bet you have more ideas though?
