Tuesday, April 5, 2011

30 Things I Don't Like

I have been wondering what I should do for my blog and I decided to make a list of things I don’t like. Here are 30 things I do not like! (this list its not meant to offend anyone):
1. When people/friends lie to you
2. People who stop in the middle of the hallway to talk.
3. People who never leave you alone.
4. Backstabbers
5. People who take advantage of you.
6. Songs that repeat the lyrics over and over.
7. People who think they know everything and think they are better than you.
8. People don’t flush the toilets.
9. Sound of chalk on chalkboard
10. Being nervous during auditions/speeches.
11. Adults that act like children.
12. Movies that have bad endings and leaves us wondering for a week.
13. Some of the ringtones on other peoples phones.
14. Songs that will go on for 10 minutes straight.
15.  Boring books
16. When people stare at you
17. When you’re hanging out with someone, and all they do is text their other friend.
18. When someone taps their pencil or click their pens

19. People that have bad manners.
20. People who will not take responsibility for their own lives and situations.
21. When your friends talk behind you back.
22. People who touch me to perform a comical act.
23. When teens/kids put gum under the desk or put it on the ground.
24.  Waiting an hour in the doctor’s office and it takes 10 minutes to see the doctor.
25. People who criticize the way other people look, size, or how they talk.
26. When people bug you while you are trying to sleep.
27. A person who hates someone or something, just because they see those "cool kids" at school hating it.
28. People only talk to you because they want or need something.
29. People who change themselves in order to fit in with the kinds of people they think are cool.
30. People who drive slower than the speed limit and dont use their traffic signals.

1 comment:

  1. This whole blog is so true. There's somethings that don't actually upset me, but there's a lot that I agree with you on. We both have our own opinions, but it's really cool how you decided to blog about the things you hate. Way to be creative:)!
